Produktai skirti kofeino produktai (31)

Žalios Kavos Pupelės

Žalios Kavos Pupelės

Le café vert en grain désigne les grains de café non torréfiés, qui sont extraits des cerises de café. Ces grains conservent leur couleur verte naturelle et leurs propriétés chimiques d'origine, notamment une teneur élevée en acides chlorogéniques, qui sont partiellement détruits lors de la torréfaction. Les grains de café vert sont utilisés pour la torréfaction à domicile, la préparation de compléments alimentaires et, parfois, pour des infusions.
Funkciniai Kramtomi Milteliai – blisteriuose

Funkciniai Kramtomi Milteliai – blisteriuose

Gli integratori alimentari in chewing gum funzionale, confezionati in blister, rappresentano un'innovativa soluzione per chi desidera un'assunzione pratica e gustosa. Realizzati con un metodo di compressione a freddo, questi chewing gum mantengono l'integrità dei componenti attivi, garantendo un rapido assorbimento e benefici immediati. Disponibili in forma tonda, questi chewing gum sono ideali per chi cerca un prodotto di alta qualità e personalizzabile. Con un tempo di consegna di 8 settimane, questi integratori sono perfetti per chi desidera migliorare la propria salute in modo semplice e conveniente. La formulazione dei chewing gum funzionali include una vasta gamma di materie prime, come estratti secchi vegetali, vitamine, minerali e aminoacidi, che supportano il benessere generale. Gli aromi naturali e artificiali migliorano ulteriormente l'esperienza sensoriale, rendendo l'assunzione più gradevole. Questi integratori sono progettati per chi desidera migliorare la propria salute senza compromessi, grazie alla loro capacità di fornire un rapido assorbimento dei nutrienti essenziali. Scegliendo i chewing gum funzionali, si opta per un prodotto innovativo e affidabile, capace di soddisfare le esigenze nutrizionali più diverse.


Es handelt sich um eine konzentrierte Form von Kaffeeextrakt, gewonnen aus Kaffeebohnen mittels überkritischer Kohlendioxid (CO2)-Extraktion, und bewahrt die meisten der bioaktiven Verbindungen. Kaffeebohnenöl unterstützt die Hautgesundheit, Konzentration und Stimmungsverbesserung. Es besitzt antioxidative Eigenschaften.
Kofeino Šveitiklis Druska 160g - Kūno Priežiūros Druska

Kofeino Šveitiklis Druska 160g - Kūno Priežiūros Druska

Lo scrub al sale alla caffeina 160 gr rivitalizza e rassoda la pelle con i suoi estratti di caffeina, mentre massaggia delicatamente la pelle con granelli di sale marino per donare un aspetto liscio. Lo scrub al sale alla caffeina crea un effetto energizzante mentre rinfresca la pelle. SKU:31679
PET kapsulės

PET kapsulės

Our PET Capsules are an innovative and cost-effective solution for enhancing the presentation and protection of your bottles. Made from high-quality polyethylene terephthalate (PET), these capsules offer excellent durability and a premium finish, making them an ideal choice for wine, spirits, and other beverage bottles. These capsules are lightweight, recyclable, and available in a variety of sizes, colors, and finishes to suit diverse branding needs. Customization options, including logo printing and embossing, allow you to create a distinctive look that highlights your brand’s identity. PET Capsules are known for their excellent resistance to moisture, ensuring the quality and shelf life of your products. Designed for compatibility with a wide range of bottle types, PET Capsules provide a smooth application process and a tight, professional seal. They are a perfect alternative to traditional materials, offering a sustainable and visually appealing solution that aligns with modern packaging trends. PET Capsules are an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional PVC capsules, gaining popularity among larger store chains in Western Europe and Hungary. Made from 75 µ thick heat-shrinkable PET-G, these capsules are designed to fit standard wine bottles or flat top beverage bottles. The capsules are available in glossy and matte black, as well as gold, providing a sleek and modern look for any bottle. Customization options for PET Capsules include flexo and hot foil printing for logos on the side and top, as well as plate embossing in plain, grape pattern, concentric circle, or custom designs. These features allow brands to create a unique and memorable packaging experience, aligning with their sustainability goals while maintaining a high standard of presentation. Also heat-shrinkable on the neck of bottles, PET capsules are more environmentally preferable than PVC capsules. They adapt tolerantly to different bottle shapes during the shrinking process. • Material: 75 µ thick heat-shrinkable PET-g • Profile: Fitting for standard wine bottles or flat tops for other beverage bottles • Diameter: 28 / 30.5 / 31 / 32 / 33 / 34 / 35 mm • Length: 40-70 mm • Color: Slightly more limited options than the PVC color range • Unique Design: Flexo and hot foil printing on the sides and tops of the capsules • Top Disc Embossing
SERUMAS GREITAM PLAUKŲ AUGIMUI - Dr. Chernev - specialūs produktai

SERUMAS GREITAM PLAUKŲ AUGIMUI - Dr. Chernev - specialūs produktai

Serum for accelerated hair growth Euterpa stimulates faster hair growth strengthens hair strengthens hair roots thickens hair suitable for all hair types ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Goji berry – antioxidant and energizing properties, protects keratin Nettle extract – regenerates, strengthens hair, nourishes, gives strength and shine, slows down the aging process of the scalp Vitamin A – for good metabolism of hair bulbs and hair cells the epidermis Vitamin E – for elasticity, strength and shine Castor oil – nourishes, moisturizes and restores dry and damaged hair Gives density and a shiny effect. The serum is suitable for thin and exhausted hair. Code:3800201865807 WEIGHT:0.067 kg
Žalioji kava

Žalioji kava

Il Caffè Verde è noto per le sue proprietà benefiche e il suo ruolo nella promozione di uno stile di vita sano. A differenza del caffè tostato, i chicchi di caffè verde non subiscono il processo di tostatura, mantenendo così un alto contenuto di acido clorogenico, un potente antiossidante. Questo rende il caffè verde una scelta popolare per chi cerca di migliorare il proprio benessere generale e supportare la perdita di peso. Oltre ai suoi benefici per la salute, il caffè verde offre un sapore unico e distintivo, leggermente erbaceo e meno amaro rispetto al caffè tradizionale. Può essere consumato come bevanda calda o fredda, o utilizzato come integratore alimentare. Il caffè verde è una scelta eccellente per chi desidera esplorare nuove esperienze di gusto e beneficiare delle sue proprietà salutari.
Kavos ekstraktai

Kavos ekstraktai

( Coffea Robusta & Arabica seed extract ) Notre gamme d’extraits de café est riche et variée. Elle offre une panoplie des différentes saveurs du café, issu de sélection d’origines et d’assemblages (Arabica ou Robusta), de degré de torréfaction divers, pour permettre la création d’arômes authentiques du café : Extraction au solvant volatil : des concrètes et absolues de café. Extraction à l’alcool éthylique : des oléorésines et extraits de café de différentes concentrations. Extraction douce à l’alcool éthylique : des infusions de café. Distillation alcoolique : des alcoolats de café.
Kavos Pagrindu Pagamintas Gėrimo Miltelis - 3 in 1

Kavos Pagrindu Pagamintas Gėrimo Miltelis - 3 in 1

Praktischer geht’s nicht: Mit 3-in-1-Kaffee ist für Ihre Kunden in Sekundenschnelle ein kompletter Kaffee genussfertig zubereitet – ganz ohne Maschine oder Automat, einfach nur mit heißem Wasser. Das Produkt besteht in der Regel aus Instantkaffee, Kaffeeweißer und Zucker. Geschmacklich dominiert der Kaffee; Milch und Zucker runden das Ganze lediglich ab. Neben der klassischen 3-in-1-Mischung bieten wir auch sogenannte 2-in-1-Produkte ohne Zucker und solche, in denen der Kaffee durch Kakao ersetzt wird. Besonders beliebt ist 3-in-1-Kaffee zum Beispiel in Hotels und Kantinen, im Flugzeug und auf Raststätten – also überall dort, wo es schnell gehen und unkompliziert sein muss.
Kavos pakuotė

Kavos pakuotė

Our sustainable flatbottom pouches are perfectly suited for coffee and make you stand out on the shelf. Due to our outstanding aroma preservation (e.g. material Martha 0,0419,97 cm3/m2*24h*bar) your coffee stays fresh for a long time. Our laboratorytested barrier properties protect your product particularly well from oxygen, humidity and UV light. As we know how important sustainability is, the materials we use are made out of recyclable mono plastic or sustainable paper. Due to small runs starting at 500 pieces, every taste of your coffee can have their own specific design, making it easy for your customers to differentiate the range. Special editions and product tests are no problem either and quickly realized due to our digital processes and fast delivery. Our pouches are fully printed Save time by not sticking labels and win space for your branding and product information. Design effects such as metallic shininess can be realized easily and without additional cost. Sizes:Flat-bottom pouches S (235 x 115 x 69 mm), M(260 x 145 x 87 mm), L (340 x 155 x 95 mm) Quantity:250 g, 500 g, 1000 g Materials:1) Plastic metallized, 2) High-protection paper Add-Ons:Zipper, Made for Recycling logo, Valve
Aromatizuota kava

Aromatizuota kava

Turk kahvesinin aromali cesitleri
Malta Kava

Malta Kava

Caffè macinato "DON ALFONSO" 250g Pacchetto sottovuoto in astuccio Selezione speciale delle migliore Arabiche e Robuste
SopharTops Kofeinas Plus - KOSMETIKA - Pusgaminių Produktas (Platinamas Polytrade Global)

SopharTops Kofeinas Plus - KOSMETIKA - Pusgaminių Produktas (Platinamas Polytrade Global)

Koffein zu 2,5% und Biotin zu 0,125% verkapselt in multipler W/O/W Nanoemulsion. Haarstärkung; Verringerung des Haarverlusts. Slimming-Effekt in der Hautpflege. Erhöhung der Mikrozirkulation. SopharTops Koffein plus Warum Koffein in Trägersystem verkapseln? => Ermöglichung der Penetration dieses wasserlöslichen Wirkstoffs in die lebenden Hautschichten. => Wirkstoff-Boost = Wirkstoff = Verkapseltes Koffein und Biotin in optimierter Kombination in einer multiplen W/O/W Nanoemulsion = Verkapselungsrate = 2,5% Koffein und 0,125% Biotin = Einsatz-Konzentration = 3-6% für Haarwachstum, 2-4% für Slimming und in der Hautpflege = Farbe = milchig-weiß = Anwendung = - Wirksamkeit als Haarwuchsmittel durch externe Studien nachgewiesen; fördert die Haarregeneration und stärkt die Haarstruktur. - Penetration bis in die Haarwurzeln dank der Verkapselung in das SopharTops Trägersystem. - In der Hautpflege können die Mikrozirkulation angeregt und ein Slimming-Effekt erreicht werden. Herstellungsland:Deutschland
Grūdų kava

Grūdų kava

Zrnková konopná káva se vyrábí z jemně pražené obilné kávy a nejkvalitnější konopné mouky. Důležité je, že pochází z ekologických konopných farem. Jde o produkt bez kofeinu, který si může bez obav vychutnat doslova každý. Způsob přípravy: 3-4 čajové lžičky konopné kávy zalijte 1 litrem vroucí vody. Kávu nejprve vaříme 5 minut a poté přefiltrujeme. Teprve poté je nápoj připraven ke konzumaci. Kapacita:250g
MaruDerm Kofeinas 5% Akių Kontūro Serumas 30 ML - Veido Serumai

MaruDerm Kofeinas 5% Akių Kontūro Serumas 30 ML - Veido Serumai

Enrichi en caféine et en 3 peptides différents, il aide à révéler des yeux plus lumineux et plus jeunes. Mode d'emploi/Précautions : Tamponnez quelques gouttes autour des yeux en tapotant doucement. Appliquer deux fois par jour, matin et soir. Seulement pour usage externe. Ne l'utilisez pas sur une peau abîmée. Lors de l'utilisation de ce produit, évitez le contact direct avec les yeux. Rincer à l'eau pour enlever. Tenir hors de portée des enfants.
Premium Kavos Mišinys Pupelėse, Kapsulėse ir Pakuotėse

Premium Kavos Mišinys Pupelėse, Kapsulėse ir Pakuotėse

Miscela di puro caffè Arabica, creata per soddisfare i palati più esigenti, dal gusto fragrante e rotondo e dal retrogusto dolce e cioccolatoso; caffè pregiati del Centro e Sud America; tostato leggero.
Keptos kavos pupelės

Keptos kavos pupelės

Roasted coffee beans
Šaldytas Kava

Šaldytas Kava

REF. 0082 DESCRIPCIÓN DEL PRODUCTO Café Soluble. Este producto está elaborado a base de cafés arábicos de tres orígenes: Brasil, Colombia y Kenia. La combinación le otorga un sabor suave (Brasil), aromático (Colombia) y cremoso (Kenia) en su justa medida. CARACTERÍSTICA PRINCIPAL El proceso de liofilización permite conservar al máximo el aroma y características organolépticas del café en grano. La combinación del café liofilizado SIMAT con cualquiera de las leches de nuestra gama es la mejor opción para obtener los mejores cortados y cafés con leche. DOSIS 0,8-1,2 g./100 ml. SERVICIOS POR KG. APROX. 909. PACKAGING Ud: 0,250 kg | Ud./caja: 10 | Kg./caja: 2,5 | Kg./Palet: 112,5 (nacional) – 202,5 (internacional).
Chemijos produktai

Chemijos produktai

En Autoparts From Spain, nos especializamos en ofrecer una variedad de productos químicos de alta calidad para el mantenimiento óptimo de vehículos. Desde productos de engrase y lubrificación, diseñados para garantizar un funcionamiento suave y duradero de los componentes mecánicos, hasta una amplia gama de productos químicos específicos para el mantenimiento general del automóvil, nuestra línea está respaldada por la calidad e innovación de nuestros proveedores españoles.
Akių drėkiklis su pakeliamuoju efektu

Akių drėkiklis su pakeliamuoju efektu

The creamy serum eliminates puffiness, reduces dark circles in the around eye area, improves the protective and renewal functions of the skin. The serum contains the latest generation of peptide Matrixil, which strengthens the skin, stimulating the production of structural proteins of dermis-collagen and elastin, helps to reduce the depth of wrinkles, having a prolonged anti-aging effect. High molecular weight hyaluronic acid and the prebiotic component fucogel contained in the serum prevents transepidermal moisture loss, maintains normal skin microflora and increases skin resistance to environmental aggression. Sweet almond oil nourishes the delicate skin around the eyes, making it fresh and smooth. Active ingredients:Matrixyl peptide, high molecular weight hyaluronic acid, pullulan, caffeine, vitamin E, fucogel Usage:for home care Shelf life:2 years Bottles:30 ml
Veido Grožio Serumas Kaštanas 30 ml - Dr. Ozberk Veido Serumas Arklių Kaštanas ir Kofeinas Didmeninė prekyba

Veido Grožio Serumas Kaštanas 30 ml - Dr. Ozberk Veido Serumas Arklių Kaštanas ir Kofeinas Didmeninė prekyba

It is specially formulated with 5% caffeine, niacinamide, 5% witch hazel extract, 10% horse chestnut extract, panthenol, green tea extract, allantoin as additional ingredients. It helps to regulate the appearance of under-eye bruises, large skin pores and reddened skin and revitalize the skin. Contents: Aqua, Aesculus hippocastanum Seed Extract, Niacinamide, Caffeine, Camellia sinensis Leaf Extract, Hamamelis virginiana Extract, Glycerin, Sodium Lactate, Pentylene Glycol, Hyaluronic Acid, Glyceryl Caprylate, Glyceryl Undecylenate, Panthenol, Alltahanciantoin, Xstahantium Glyceryl, Usage: Our serum, which is prepared by combining the powerful components of horse chestnut, witch hazel and green tea extracts, with the dermoactive effect of caffeine and niacinamide, helps the skin look tighter by reducing the appearance of pores, and helps to alleviate the appearance of redness and dark circles under the eyes.
Milteliai maisto papildai

Milteliai maisto papildai

Gli integratori alimentari in polvere offrono un approccio flessibile e personalizzabile per migliorare l'assunzione nutrizionale. Disponibili in bustine singole, bustine doppie, stick pack e barattoli, queste polveri soddisfano una varietà di esigenze e preferenze di salute. Sono ideali per le persone che amano creare miscele personalizzate o preferiscono mescolare i loro integratori con cibi o bevande. Che tu stia cercando di supportare il recupero muscolare, migliorare la digestione o aumentare la vitalità complessiva, questi integratori in polvere offrono una soluzione versatile. L'adattabilità degli integratori alimentari in polvere li rende un favorito tra gli appassionati di fitness e le persone attente alla salute. Possono essere facilmente integrati in frullati, shake o pasti, permettendoti di personalizzare l'assunzione in base ai tuoi obiettivi specifici. Con un impegno per la qualità e l'efficacia, queste polveri sono formulate per fornire risultati ottimali, assicurandoti di ricevere i nutrienti di cui hai bisogno per prosperare. Incorporando questi integratori nella tua routine, stai facendo un passo proattivo verso il raggiungimento di uno stile di vita equilibrato e sano.


Le café est une boisson obtenue à partir des graines torréfiées du caféier, un arbuste tropical appartenant au genre Coffea. Les deux espèces les plus couramment cultivées sont Coffea arabica (café arabica) et Coffea canephora (café robusta). La boisson est appréciée dans le monde entier pour sa saveur riche et son effet stimulant, principalement dû à la caféine.
Rudintas Kava

Rudintas Kava

Le café torréfié désigne des grains de café verts qui ont été soumis à un processus de chauffage pour développer leurs arômes, saveurs et couleurs caractéristiques. La torréfaction transforme les composés chimiques des grains, créant les profils de saveur complexes appréciés dans le café infusé.
Café Afrique

Café Afrique

Le café d'Afrique désigne les grains de café cultivés dans diverses régions du continent africain, connu pour produire certains des cafés les plus distinctifs et de haute qualité au monde. Les principaux pays producteurs de café en Afrique incluent l'Éthiopie, le Kenya, le Rwanda, l'Ouganda, et la Tanzanie.
Malta Kava Pakuotėje

Malta Kava Pakuotėje

Le café moulu en paquet désigne du café en grains qui a été moulu et conditionné dans des emballages hermétiques, prêts à être utilisés pour préparer des boissons. Ce format pratique est populaire auprès des consommateurs et des professionnels, offrant une solution rapide et efficace pour savourer un café de qualité sans nécessiter de moulin à café.
Kofeino Druskos Šveitiklis 160gr - Kūno Priežiūros Druskos

Kofeino Druskos Šveitiklis 160gr - Kūno Priežiūros Druskos

Caffeine salt scrub 160 gr revitalizes and tightens the skin with its caffeine extracts, while gently rubbing your skin with sea salt grains to provide a smooth appearance. Caffeine salt scrub creates an energizing effect while refreshing your skin. SKU:31679
Kofeino Druskos Šveitiklis 160g - Kūno Priežiūros Druskos

Kofeino Druskos Šveitiklis 160g - Kūno Priežiūros Druskos

Le gommage au sel de caféine 160 gr revitalise et raffermit la peau grâce à ses extraits de caféine, tout en frottant doucement votre peau avec des grains de sel marin pour lui donner un aspect lisse. Le gommage au sel de caféine crée un effet énergisant tout en rafraîchissant votre peau. UGS:31679
Kofeino 5% Akių Kontūro Serumas 30 ML - Veido Serumas

Kofeino 5% Akių Kontūro Serumas 30 ML - Veido Serumas

Enriched with caffeine and 3 different peptides, it helps to reveal brighter and more youthful-looking eye area. Directions for use/Cautions: Dab a few drops around the eye area, patting gently. Apply twice daily, morning and evening. For external use only. Do not use on broken skin. When using this product avoid direct contact with eyes. Rinse with water to remove. Keep out of reach of children.